Wednesday, May 7, 2008

La Jolla Jaguars Powerskating Clinic

Youth Hockey
"Too many hockey players at an early age are given a puck and a stick and are expected to play the game of hockey when they can barely skate. Through my methods they will not only learn the correct way to skate but will have fun doing it. Children must enjoy what they are doing to excel in it. I feel Youth Hockey is a great way to channel a kid's natural energy and most likely will influence the way he or she feels about themselves for the rest of their lives. Youth Hockey organizations can either instill leadership, confidence and sportsmanship or it can create boredom, stress, humiliation and low self esteem." - Barbara Williams

There are endless articles regarding Ice Hockey and more than 90% of the articles are indicating that Power Skating is the most important part of develop hockey players. 

Join us at Icetown every Tuesday and Thursday at 7PM for an intensive Power Skating Clinic.

/Coach Cris


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